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Georgia has hundreds of newspapers, radio and TV stations covering government and politics.

You could read them all.

Or you could join thousands of lawmakers, lobbyists and leaders in subscribing to Georgia, an email round-up of the state’s top 10 political and legislative stories delivered by 10 am every morning, FREE.

Georgia10by10 was designed for lawmakers. Today, subscribers in all 159 counties depend on our daily updates. We research the top political stories from Gainesville to Garden City and display them in a format perfect for smart phones and tablets.

Do you need to reach Georgia’s top decision makers and power players? Send an email to and let us help raise your profile, advance an idea or promote a special event.

Know what politicians know.

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Georgia has hundreds of newspapers, radio and TV stations covering government and politics.

You could read them all.

Or you could join thousands of lawmakers, lobbyists and leaders in subscribing to Georgia, an email round-up of the state’s top 10 political and legislative stories delivered by 10 am every morning, FREE.

Georgia10by10 was designed for lawmakers. Today, subscribers in all 159 counties depend on our daily updates. We research the top political stories from Gainesville to Garden City and display them in a format perfect for smart phones and tablets.

Do you need to reach Georgia’s top decision makers and power players? Send an email to and let us help raise your profile, advance an idea or promote a special event.

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